This week I didn’t touch the piano. I definitely felt the lack, but these last two weeks of August, before the school year starts, spending time with family has been my main priority.
Now that I am set up to record, I really want to finish the pieces I have learned. So, on the “piano front,” I spent most of my time editing and posting videos, and writing study notes for the pieces I have finished. In the future, I’ll start working on the study notes before I touch the piano, but I only realized that I wanted to do that after I had finished the first book of Exploring Piano Classics. It’s interesting, I find, even with these simple pieces, that I’ve noticed new things in the process of writing study notes. It’s a very valuable tool, and I definitely plan to continue working this way.
I also began initial preparation of the pieces I will start working on, the first week of September. Actually, the backlog won’t be completely cleared up by that time, since my daughter says I should only post one video a day to YouTube, but I’m aching to start working on new repertoire.
Posting Videos
I posted five videos to YouTube this week. Here are the links:
Disclaimer. I am an amateur, fumbling her way back to the piano. This is my hobby and I do it for fun. I am happy to share my process, but, please keep in mind… I am not a teacher. If something I am doing doesn’t work for you, or doesn’t feel right, or outright hurts, stop! Everybody is different. Playing the piano is not a one-size-fits-all activity. Have fun with it.
Last Updated on August 20, 2022
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